Part of your battle in the Christian World is your daily prayers. It is desirable to establish a pattern for your daily praying. You do not need to pray exactly as we do but let the Holy Spirit show you what to pray about. It needs to be personalized for your life. These examples may help you to establish your prayers. We have several prayers that we use almost every day except for interruptions. These prayers help us get the day started off in the Lord. As priest and head of the home, I pray out loud and Earline agrees with me. It is very important and powerful for husband and wife to agree together in prayer.

I usually get up at 6:00 a.m. every morning. After toiletries, I exercise and then give thanks to God to get the day started off right. It is extremely important that we maintain "an attitude of gratitude" towards God for the constant help He gives us. If you are grateful to God, this will solve many of your problems and wrong thought processes. While I am getting dressed, Earline may be praying in bed before she gets up.

"Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you for divine health: mental, physical, spiritual and material for Earline and I. Thank you for all blessings known and unknown, and for showering down blessings on us so great that we can not receive them. Thank you for the complete restoration of our bodies. Thank you for restoring Earline's mouth, torso and feet. Thank you for restoring my face, back and legs. We especially thank you for restoring us from cancer and lupus. Thank you now for restoring our mouths and respiratory systems so that we can do Your Work. Amen."

Before we eat breakfast, we pray another prayer for the food and other things. We believe that you should pray before every meal. Pray out loud if possible; if you can not, pray silently. It is extremely important for God to bless the food you eat to protect your body. I pray the following prayer and Earline agrees with me.

"Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank you Lord for a good day, for protecting us against powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Now Lord, we apply the blood over and bind Satan away from Earline and I, Marie, Nathan and Nat, our jobs and our clients, Manna Baptist Church, Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, Trinity New Testament Fellowship, A & E Testing, our possessions and everything that we have any part in. Lord send your angels to minister unto us, build a ring of Holy Ghost Fire around us and cover us with Your Blood. We pray for the United States of America and Israel, the Christians and the Jews, the churches that worship JESUS in spirit and truth. We ask for courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray especially for the leaders and ask a double portion for our families. We ask divine favor with You in accordance with the Holy Word of God, with each other and those we come into contact with today. We confess that this is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. If God be for us, who can be against us? You have given us power over all the power of the enemy and we intend to exercise it by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Now Lord, we ask that you lead, guide, direct and protect us. Let us walk in your perfect will; we yield ourselves to you today. We thank you for our food, clothing and shelter, for everything that you have done for us known and unknown. We ask you to bless this food to our bodies, purify and cleanse it so that our temples will be fit for the Holy Spirit to reside in. All these things we ask in the Blessed Name of JESUS CHRIST, our Lord, Master and Savior. Amen."

We usually eat breakfast in a restaurant. After we come home, we pray for the day. After the following prayer, we pray for specific needs that we feel impressed to pray about. This is a prayer for the world and things that are important to us. I pray this prayer, Earline agrees with me, and she then prays as she is led.

"Dear Lord, we ask you to forgive Earline and I of our sins, teach us and show us so that we will be pleasing in your sight. We pray for ourselves, Marie, Nathan and Nat, this day and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We thank you for each other, this day and most of all for You. We pray for our relatives and friends, our Christian brothers and sisters. We pray for those who labor in the field of DELIVERANCE, for their families, churches and ministries that You would give them a triple-fold portion of courage, understanding, wisdom and strength. We pray for the Army of the Lord that it would grow strong and mighty and be valiant and do exploits in the Name of JESUS CHRIST. We pray that DELIVERANCE would come to the forefront of Christianity. We pray for those that we have ministered to, for their families, churches and ministries that they would go on with the Lord. We pray for all men everywhere that they would come into the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. We pray for Manna Baptist Church, for Butch and Lois; for Lake Hamilton Bible Camp, for Glen and Erma, Kevin and Patti, and Daniel; for Trinity New Testament Fellowship, for Reggie and Pat. We pray for the five-fold ministry, for their families, churches and ministries. We pray for A & E Testing and for our business. We pray Your Blessings on these. We bind up all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We lose the powers of God: warring angels, ministering angels, Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God to come down and do a mighty battle on earth today. We bind up every force of evil and loose every force of good that we have the power and authority to do so in JESUS' Name. We thank you Lord for power and authority over the enemy, and the use of the Name of JESUS CHRIST for its in His Name we pray. Amen."

It is not necessary to pray a long prayer in a loud voice in a public place. In fact, this practice may do more harm than good to Christianity. We feel it is better to softly pray a short prayer out loud than not to pray at all. We use this prayer for a meal or for a snack in public. It can also be used at home for snacks between meals.

"Our Dear Heavenly and Gracious Father, thank You Lord for this food. Bless, purify and cleanse it so that we can be fit temples for the Holy Spirit to reside in. We break any curses on it and eat it with thanksgiving. For it's in JESUS' Name we pray. Amen."

The remainder of the day we pray as the Holy Spirit leads us. These can be prayers in other TONGUES or in English. These can be prayers together or alone. They can be prayers out loud or silently. They can be prayers with your eyes closed or just going about the business of life. There is no set way that you have to pray. If we have a God consciousness, the Holy Spirit is praying through our spirit without ceasing. If it is important, we try to get together to pray and agree. Sometimes we ask the Holy Spirit to impress the other person to pray at the same time when we are separated. It is beautiful to know that the other mate was praying at the same time in an emergency. 

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Tom and Donna Ministries, Clear Vision Revival