The main reason we are teaching you how to do basic DELIVERANCE is that every Christian should be able to cast out demons at least in their own family.

Later on God may lead you to do DELIVERANCE in your home or church. God told us to train an army for His use; you are part of that army!

DELIVERANCE will assist in establishing family order and God's order. Every Christian should cast out demons (Mark 16:17). There are not many "DELIVERANCE Ministers" to help people. Christians have many demons; proper DELIVERANCE takes a lot of time. DELIVERANCE is a way of life and not a grand event.

Parents are the best persons to minister to their children; husband to wife; and wife to husband. Parents need to protect their children and set the family free from demons.

DELIVERANCE gives an understanding of God's and Satan's kingdoms that you will not get any other way. DELIVERANCE allows you to see into the spiritual world by the manifestations of demons.

Basic DELIVERANCE consists of setting a person free from three common demon families: rejection, bitterness and rebellion (also common to schizophrenia).

Typically a person becomes rejected, then becomes bitter, and finally rebels (then come other problems).

The most important key in setting a person free from these families is to get the person to forgive anyone that has hurt him!

First, unforgiveness should be dealt with before the families of rejection, bitterness and rebellion are cast out.

After basic DELIVERANCE, then other demon families can be attacked. For example, cancer and arthritis can come into a person thru the open door of

unforgiveness. After basic DELIVERANCE, cast out the spirits of cancer and arthritis.

A person may have become demonized while in the womb by sins of the ancestors for causes other than rejection, bitterness and rebellion. If so, another approach is required.

Again, the most important key in setting a person free from the sins of the ancestors is to get the person to forgive his ancestors, and ask God to forgive them and bless them (parents are also ancestors).

After forgiveness for any hurt or sin, then any demonic ties should be broken. For example, curses of the ancestors passed down thru the generations, or soul ties caused by sexual sin or witchcraft control are demonic ties.

After breaking curses and soul ties, we ask God to restore the fragmented soul -

mind, will and emotions. We ask God to send out angels to restore anything that the demons have stolen.

After restoration of the fragmented soul, we ask God to stir up the demons in the subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out.

The person can then be led in a general prayer of salvation/DELIVERANCE to God. There are many good prayers.

The leader should then pray and take authority over the demonic spirit world.

After the grounds for DELIVERANCE are established (taking away the legal rights before God for the demons to stay), then start casting out demons.

Use all the weapons of the warfare in the Bible against the demons. These include reading scripture to the demons, exercising the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, causing the demons to reveal information against themselves, seeking discernment from God thru the Holy Spirit, praying to God in other TONGUES, asking JESUS for help, and any other methods that are helpful in gathering data, taking away legal rights and casting out. By all means, do what God tells you to do even if you do not understand it.

Unforgiveness - get the person to forgive others by an act of his will which God will honor. It may be very difficult for the person but God accepts their willingness to forgive. Unforgiveness - Cancer or Arthritis come into the person later on.

Before any DELIVERANCE starts, a person should be given an opportunity to discuss his problems and background so that you can get to know the person and properly minister to him.

After DELIVERANCE is ended, a person should be counseled about how to walk out his DELIVERANCE and discipline his life.

It is good if teaching on basic DELIVERANCE or sins of ancestors precedes the DELIVERANCE.

After counseling, anoint with oil and pray for any healing needed or for scars in the body where the demons left (inner healing).


Rejection Bitterness Rebellion
Fear of Rejection Resentment Self-will
Self-Rejection Hatred Stubbornness
Unforgiveness Disobedience Violence
Anti-submissiveness Temper Anger
Retaliation Murder  



A. Steps for Basic DELIVERANCE for an Individual

1. Find out about the person's problems and background.

2. Some discussion about how they got into trouble may be helpful.

3. Get the person to forgive others and lead him in a specific prayer about his problems.

4. Start casting out the families of Rejection, then Bitterness and finally Rebellion.

5. Counsel the person how to walk out his DELIVERANCE and how to discipline his life.

6. Anoint with oil and pray for healing (physical and/or inner).

7. The above steps could be used after a church service at the altar or in the prayer room, in the home or over the phone.

B. Steps for Sins of Ancestors for an Individual

1. Follow steps A.1 thru A.3 above.

2. Lead the person thru a prayer to break curses and soul ties, restore the fragmented soul, stir up the demons in the subconscious mind, and finally salvation/DELIVERANCE.

3. Here again, it is good to start with basic DELIVERANCE of Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion. Then go into other areas that have been identified and legal grounds established for casting out.

4. Follow steps A.5 thru A.7.

C. Steps for Basic DELIVERANCE and/or Sins of Ancestors for a Group or a Church

1. Teach on Basic DELIVERANCE, Sins of Ancestors, or any other DELIVERANCE topic.

2. Lead the congregation in a mass prayer about that topic, and include curses, soul ties, fragmented soul, subconscious mind, unforgiveness and salvation.

3. The pastor/evangelist will then pray and take authority over the demonic spiritual world and ask God to send his forces and take charge of the DELIVERANCE.

4. Start the mass DELIVERANCE with basic DELIVERANCE and then go to any other topic. Workers shall help individuals having trouble getting free.

5. After mass DELIVERANCE, work with individuals and follow steps A.5 thru A.7.

6. The above steps could be used in a prayer group, church, home or any meeting about DELIVERANCE.

D. Steps for Basic DELIVERANCE/Sins of Ancestors for the Home Counseling / Ministry Meeting

1. Provide specific counseling to the individuals as God leads.

2. Follow steps A.1 and A.2. Take a refreshment/bathroom break of about 15 minutes.

3. Follow steps A.3 and C.2 thru C.5.

E. Variations

The above procedures can be varied to fit the situation or at the leadership of the Holy Spirit.


1. Get Experience - start casting out demons and get involved.

2. Study Bible - use a concordance and study Gospels mainly.

3. Fast and pray - seek the Lord about your problems.

4. Study DELIVERANCE books - learn as much as you can.

5. Study books on the mind, will and emotions.

6. Go to DELIVERANCE meetings - participate in teaching and ministry: mass, small groups and individuals.

7. Study Satan from a Christian viewpoint - to see how he is trying to destroy you, your family and your church.

8. Emphasize practical methods - put the Bible to work.

9. Clean out your house - get rid of demonic objects.

10. Be persistent - keep after the demons in an area of your life until you are successful.

11. Learn to research a subject - use encyclopedias, dictionaries, medical and psychiatric books.

12. Learn the three phases of DELIVERANCE: How to Determine the Need for DELIVERANCE, How go Get DELIVERED, and How to Stay DELIVERED.

13. DELIVERANCE is a constant learning process. Satan has spent thousands of years weaving a very complicated system to trap people.



PIGS IN THE PARLOR - Frank and Ida Mae Hammond, Impac Books, 137 W. Jefferson, Kirkwood, MO 63122.




WAR ON THE SAINTS - Unabridged Edition, Jessie Penn-Lewis & Evans Roberts, Thomas E. Lowe, LTD., New York, New York.

There are many good DELIVERANCE prayers that have been written and printed in books and in loose-leaf form. Some of these prayers are general and some have been written for specific purposes.

The ideal prayer is the one prayed by the individual to cover the specific area of the person's life that is being ministered to at that time. The next best prayer is the form prayer which the person repeats after the DELIVERANCE leader.

The following prayers have been used many times by us and have produced good results. One side benefit is that the people can see what is wrong and evil in their lives by what is contained in the prayers.

These prayers can be used for individuals, small groups or large groups equally well.

Short Prayer

"Lord JESUS Christ, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I confess all my sins--known and unknown--I'm sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want you to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of JESUS Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to you now as my deliverer. You know my special needs--the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit--I claim the promise of your word, "Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be DELIVERED." I call upon you now. In the name of the Lord JESUS Christ, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from you, in the name of JESUS, and I command you to leave me right now in JESUS' name. Amen!"

This is my favorite prayer because it is short and effective. The first part is salvation and the last part is DELIVERANCE. You can pause after the sentence underlined about "forgiveness" and let the people forgive others as the Holy Spirit leads them. This prayer was written by Derek Prince.

Moody's Prayers

The first thing we do is get the people to pray about their specific problems and sins, so that the blood of JESUS can cleanse the people and take away legal rights that the demons have to remain, and God can begin to act.

Then we get the people to repeat the Short Prayer out loud with sincerity after me.

Finally, we lead the people in a combination prayer out loud that covers Sins of Ancestors, Curses, Soul Ties, Fragmented Soul, and Subconscious Mind as follows:

"Lord JESUS Christ, I forgive my ancestors and descendants, and I ask you to forgive and bless them. Forgive me for my many sins and I forgive myself for sins against my body. I break all curses, hexes, vexes and demonic ties that bind. I break all soul ties caused by witchcraft or sexual sins. Lord JESUS, restore my fragmented soul: mind, will and emotions; send your angels out to

recover anything that was stolen from me. Lord JESUS, stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out. All these things we ask in the blessed name of our Lord JESUS Christ: Our Lord, Master and Savior. We now take authority over Satan and all the forces of evil according to the whole Word of God and command that you obey it. In the Name of JESUS Christ, we ask these things. Amen."

After the people have prayed and been led in prayer, then I take spiritual authority over the meeting as follows:

"Satan, we come against all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We come against all demons inside or outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of Hell. The Bible says, 'Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.' We intend to exercise that power to set ourselves free. Satan, we come against you by the power and blood of JESUS Christ, by the Word of God, by the name of JESUS, by the authority of the Believer, in the unity of our spirits. Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our Christ JESUS. We are over you, your fallen angels, your demons and all forces of evil. We command you to line up in rank and file and order, and come out quickly. We bind every power that you have and loose ourselves from you in the name of JESUS.

Lord JESUS, we ask that you would send the gifts of the Holy Spirit as needed to minister to the needs of the people and to accomplish what you want done here tonight. We are careful to give you all the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that is said or done. We ask all these things in the blessed name of JESUS Christ, our Lord and Master and Savior. And we take authority over Satan according to the whole Word of God. For it's in JESUS name we pray. Amen!" Now start casting out demons!

By Frank and IdaMae Hammond

Bitterness Accusation Passivity
Resentment Judging Funk
Hatred Criticism Indifference
Unforgiveness Faultfinding Listlessness
Violence   Lethargy
Temper Rejection Anger
Fear of Rejection Depression  
Retaliation Self-Rejection Despair
Murder   Despondency
  Insecurity- Discouragement
Rebellion Inferiority Defeatism
Self-will Self-Pity Dejection
Stubbornness Loneliness Hopelessness
Disobedience Timidity Suicide
Anti-Submissiveness Shyness Death
  Inadequacy Insomnia
Strife Ineptness Morbidity
Contention Argument  
Jealousy   Heaviness
Quarreling Envy Gloom
Fighting Suspicion Burden
  Distrust Disgust
Control- Selfishness  
Possessiveness   Worry
Dominance Withdrawal Anxiety
Witchcraft Pouting Fear
  Daydreaming Dread
Retaliation Fantasy Apprehension
Destruction Pretension Spite
Unreality   Nervousness
Hatred   Tension
Sadism Escape Headache
Hurt Indifference Nervous Habits
Cruelty Stoicism Restlessness
  Passivity Excitement
Sensitiveness Sleepiness Insomnia
Self-Awareness Alcohol Roving
Fear of Man Drugs Fear of Disapproval
    Sexual Impurity
  Perfection Lust
Persecution Pride Fantasy Lust
Unfairness Vanity Masturbation
Fear of Judgment Ego Homosexuality
Fear of Condemnation Frustration Lesbianism
Fear of Accusation Criticism Adultery
Fear of Reproof Irritability Fornication
Sensitiveness Intolerance Incest
  Anger Harlotry
Mental Illness   Rape
Insanity Competition Exposure
Madness Driving Frigidity
Mania Argument Retardation
Pride   Cults
Senility Ego Jehovah's Witnesses
Schizophrenia   Christian Science
Paranoia Impatience Rosicrucianism
Hallucinations Agitation Theosophy
  Frustration Urantia
Paranoia Intolerance Subud
Jealousy Resentment Latihan
Envy Criticism Unity
Suspicion   Mormonism
Distrust False Burden Bahaism
Persecution False Responsibility Unitarianism
Fears False Compassion (Lodges, societies and social agenciesusing the Bible and God as a basis but omitting the blood atonement of Jesus Christ)
Confusion Sorrow  
Frustration Heartache  
Incoherence Heartbreak  
Forgetfulness Crying  
  Sadness Doubt
Cruelty   Occult
Unbelief   Ouija Board
Skepticism Fatigue Palmistry
  Tiredness Handwriting Analysis
Death Weariness Automatic Handwriting
Indecision   ESP
Procrastination Infirmity Hypnotism
Compromise   (May include Horoscope
Confusion any disease Astrology
Forgetfulness or sickness) Levitation
Indifference   Fortune Telling
  Inheritance Water Witching
Self Deception (Physical) Tarot Cards
Self-Delusion (Emotional) Pendulum
Self-Seduction (Mental) Witchcraft
Pride Magic (Curses) Black White Magic
Mind Binding Hyper Activity Conjuration
Confusion Restlessness Incantation
Fear of Man Driving Fetishes
Fear of Failure Pressure Etc.
Occult Spirits   Spiritism Spirits
Cursing   Religious
  Blasphemy Ritualism
Mind Idolatry Course Jesting Formalism
Intellectualism Gossip Legalism
Rationalization Criticism Doctrinal Obsession
Pride Backbiting Fear of God
Ego Mockery Fear of Hell
  Belittling Fear of Lost Salvation
Fears (All Kinds) Railing Religiosity
Phobias (All Kinds)   Etc.
Hysteria Addictive and  
  Compulsive Spiritism
Fear of Authority Nicotine Seance
Lying Alcohol Spirit Guide
Deceit Drugs Necromancy
  Caffeine Pride
  Medications False Religions
Ego Gluttony Buddhism
Vanity   Taoism
Self-Righteousness   Hinduism
Haughtiness Nervousness Islam
Importance Compulsive Eating Shintoism
Arrogance Resentment Confucianism, Etc.
Affectation Idleness Theatrics
Self-Pity   Covetousness
Playacting Self-Reward Stealing
Sophistication   Kleptomania
Pretension Self Accusation Material Lust
  Self-Hatred Greed
  Self-Condemnation  Discontent

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Unless specified otherwise, this page and all other pages, on this Website are.
Copyright © 1995 to 2022+ Tom Morgan, All Rights Reserved.
Tom and Donna Ministries, Clear Vision Revival