Read the whole chapter of Ezekiel 8. Ezekiel in a vision of God at Jerusalem is shown the image of jealousy, the chambers of imagery, the mourners for Tammuz, the worshipers towards the sun and God's wrath for their idolatry. "Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eyes shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them" (vs. 18). II Cor. 5:17 (A new creature in CHRIST.)II Cor. 6:16-17 (What agreement can there be between the temple of God and idols? Leave idolatry and heathen worship; touch not any unclean thing!) Eph. 4:25 (Reject all falsity.) I Thes. 1:9 (Ye turned from idols to God.) I John 5:21 (Keep yourself from idols.)

Certain holidays got into the Christian church by way of the Catholic Church. To keep the country united, Roman emperors began to give Christian meaning to pagan rituals. Ex. 22:18 (Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.) Ex. 23:13 (Make no mention of the name of other gods.) Lev. 19:31 (To be defiled by familiar spirits and wizards.) Duet. 18: 9-14 (The abominations of the nations are to be avoided.) Jos. 23:7 (Neither make mention of the name of their gods.) I Sam. 28:7-28 (The witch raised Samuel; Saul fainted.)

Micah 5:12-13 (Cut off witches, soothsayers and images.) Acts 13:6-11 (Elymas the sorcerer was struck blind.) Acts 16:16-19 (Casteth out a spirit of divination.) Romans 12:2 (And be not conformed to this world.)Gal. 5:19-21 (He reckoneth up the works of the flesh.) Eph. 6:12-13 (He sheweth what they intend that preach circumcision.)II Tim. 1:7 (For God hath not given us a spirit of fear.) James 4:4-10 (God resisteth the proud.)

To Murmur (in anger): (imagine, mourn, mutter, roar, take away). See Strong's Concordance for murmur, murmured, murmurers, murmuring and murmurings. Isa. 8:11-22 (Israel's idolatrous practices) Isa. 8:19 (Wizards that peep and mutter) Isa.10:10-17 (Chirping - chatter, peep, whisper) Isa. 10:14 (Or opened the mouth or peeped) Isa. 59:3 (Tongue hath muttered perverseness)

One of the purposes of the Lord JESUS coming to earth was to establish His Church. We all know that He was successful and we also remember the record of how the early church walked full of boldness and power, having their words confirmed with signs and wonders. Today the majority of the church is a far cry from the church the Lord JESUS started, both in life-style and power.

Shortly after JESUS' death, persecutions of the Believers began as Satan began his plan to pollute what God had begun. Years later the Devil began a religious system that he hoped would replace the true church. The persecutions were temporarily stopped, and a deal was offered to both the Christians and pagans It went something like this: let's stop fighting over our religious differences and just Christianize the pagan gods and holidays. Both sides gave a little so they could all live in peace. By doing that, the Christian commitment and dedication to JESUS CHRIST only would have been seriously damaged. I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that you approach this material with a heart and mind seeking the truth, and that you will prayerfully consider the facts contained within these pages. Remember that after the big compromise, the true Believers didn't accept the new system, but chose to go into hiding rather than deny their Lord and Savior.

Most people say that Christmas is the celebration of JESUS' birthday, even though more non-Christians participate than Christians. JESUS told us that those who were like Him, Christians, would be hated by all nations for His name's sake (Matt. 10:22, 24:9; Mk. 13:13 & Lu. 21:17). Please note that JESUS said that His followers would be hated by the world because of Him. If they hate us because of Him, why do they celebrate His birthday?

Let's look at what it means to celebrate one's birthday. The word celebrate means to perform (a sacrament of solemn ceremony) publicly and with appropriate rites, to honor by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business, to demonstrate satisfaction in festivities or by other deviation from routine. Could we say then, that in order to celebrate someone's birthday, we should participate in activities that reflect the person's life? Could we, at least, say that in commemorating one's birthday our activities should be restricted to such things that the honoree would be pleased with?

A large majority of the activities employed by people involved in the supposed celebration of JESUS' birthday are public, yes; but neither appropriate or solemn. So much of it is outright sin; how can sin exhibit satisfaction in JESUS CHRIST who is right the opposite of sin?

There are many arguments concerning the date of JESUS' birth. I personally believe that God purposefully did not give us the day and date. Let's examine the few clues we do have, in the Word of God, and see if we can determine the season.

In Palestine, December 25th is during the coldest time of the year. "In Palestine winter includes part of autumn and the seasons of seedtime and cold, extending from the beginning of September to the beginning of March. The cold of winter is not usually severe, though the north winds are very penetrating from the middle of December to the middle of February. Snow and hail during the most winters fall on the hills." The weather during Hebrew month Tebeth (December-January) is "...coldest month; rain, hail and snow on higher hills, and occasionally at Jerusalem" (Ungers Bible Dictionary, pp. 1170). What the weather was like during this time of the year is important in order to answer two questions. Did Caesar Augustus have everybody to return to his home town for a census during the coldest time of the year? Tithing time was harvest time according to the law of Moses (Ex. 23:14-19, Le. 23:1-10 & Deut. 16:16-17). Some say that tax time was harvest time throughout the Roman Empire. It does seem logical that the Roman governor would collect taxes at the time of harvest (Lu. 2:1-7). More importantly, with the weather being as it was during that time of year, would the shepherd be in the field at night as recorded in Lu. 2:8? We know that they were in the field on the night of JESUS' birth, but was that night during the middle of December? The Jews built special places to house their flocks during the cold and winter storms (Isa. 24:3, Nu. 32:16,24 & 36). "It was an ancient custom among Jews of those days to send out their sheep to fields and deserts about Passover (early spring), and bring them home at commencement of the first rain," says the Adam Clarke Commentary (Vol. 5, pp. 370).

These important facts cast shadows of doubt over the traditional teaching concerning the time of JESUS' birth in the light of the Biblical account of the events that took place during that time.

There are those who say that they know that JESUS wasn't born on December 25th, but they set that day aside to celebrate the birth of their Savior. They also say that they don't celebrate it with sinful activities, but with things that would please the Lord as an expression of their love for Him. Please don't get caught up in your personal feelings, let's remain honest, open and objective about this position as we test the Scripture.

There is absolutely no Scripture in the entire Word of God to support celebrating JESUS' birthday at any time. However, we are told in the Word to keep the commandments that the Lord has given us and not to add anything to them nor take anything from them (De. 12:28-32, Mt. 5:17-19). If Christmas is being celebrated because of real love for JESUS, why are His commandments not being kept (Jn. 14:21, 23 & 24)? John 13:34 commands us to love one another, as He loved us. We are to love each other the same way: black, white, rich or poor. He commanded us to make miracle workers out of others and to teach them to guard His words from loss or injury (Matt. 28: 18-20). Check out the word, observe, found in Matt. 28:20 in the Greek. He also commanded us to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out devils - for free (MT. 10:5-8).

If the motive for celebrating Christmas stands on real love for the Master, then according to His own words, that same love will motivate you to keep His sayings. He gave us specific instructions of what to do to remember Him by (Lu.22:19). Most people begin preparing for Christmas months in advance with unparalleled zeal and enthusiasm. I wonder if they get half as excited when it's time to take communion or if they even know when the next time communion will be given at their place of fellowship? The point is obvious. The excitement and enthusiasm manifested during the Christmas season is not an expression of love or gratitude directed towards JESUS CHRIST. If it were true love and gratitude to Him, you would be just as enthused about doing the Word. Obedience is better than sacrifice (Isa. 15:22-23).

Another very important point we must explore is the fact that those who celebrate Christmas didn't set December 25th aside as the date to celebrate JESUS' birth. This date was chosen about 1700 years ago. The sad part about this is that billions of people are following this tradition with very little, and in most cases, no knowledge as to why and how Christmas came about.

Have you ever wondered why people give presents at Christmas? What about the Christmas tree and lights on trees and houses? Have you ever wondered where they came from? - Is it because the wise men brought gifts to JESUS? If this is the case and you are following their examples, then why do you give gifts to each other?

Let us continue our search for the roots of this celebration the world calls JESUS' birthday. The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 5, 1768 edition, says: "December 25th in Rome is the date of a pagan festival chosen as the birthday of the unconquered Sun (natalis solis invicts) which at the winter solstice begins again to show an increase of light. At some point before A.D. 336, the church at Rome established the commemoration of the birthday of CHRIST, the 'SUN' of righteousness on this date." The evidence is contained in the chronography of A.D. 354 (an almanac for the use of Christians). The same encyclopedia says on page 705 that, 'The traditional customs connected with Christmas have been derived from several sources as a result of the 'coincidence' of the feast of the Nativity of CHRIST and the pagan agricultural and solar observances at mid-winter." In the Roman world, the Saturnalia was a time of merry-making and exchange of presents. Christmas festivities were indirectly influenced by these customs. The fact that Christmas was celebrated on the birthday of the unconquered sun gave the season a solar background connected with the (kalends) of January when houses were decorated with greenery and lights, and presents were given to children and the poor. To these solstitial observances were added the Germanic-Celtic yule rites when the Teutonic tribes penetrated into Gaul, Britain and Central Europe. Yuletide brought its own tradition of feasting and mortuary customs to combine with Roman solstitial and traditional New Year rites. Special foods and good fellowship, the yule log and yule cakes, greenery and fir trees, wassailing, gifts and greetings all commemorated different aspects of this festive season. Fires and lights, symbols of warmth and lasting life, have always been associated with the winter festival, both pagan and Christian. Evergreens, as symbols of survival, have long association with Christmas festivities, probably dating from the eighth century when St. Boneface completed the Christianization of Germany and dedicated the fir tree to the Holy Child to replace the sacred oak of Odin.

The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 6, 1826 edition, says, "The reasons for establishing December 25th as Christmas is somewhat obscure, but it is usually held that the day chosen was to correspond to pagan festivals that took place around the time of the winter Solstice, when the days begin to lengthen, to celebrate the 'rebirth of the sun." Northern European tribes celebrated their chief festival of Yule at the winter solstice to commemorate the rebirth of the sun as the giver of light and warmth. The Roman Saturnalia (a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture, and to the renewed power of the sun) also took place at this time. And some Christian customs are thought to be rooted in this pagan celebration. It is held by some scholars that the birth of CHRIST as "Light of the World" was made analogous to the rebirth of the sun in order to make Christianity more meaningful to pagan converts.

The Christmas Almanac, 1944 edition says, "Saturnalia and the Kalends were celebrations most familiar to early Christians, December 17-24 and January 1-3. But the tradition of celebrating December 25th as CHRIST's birthday came to the Romans from Persia. Mithra, the Persian god of light and sacred contacts, was born out of a rock on December 25th. Rome was famous for its flirtations with strange gods and cults, and in the third century the Aurelian established the festival of Dies Invicti Solis, The Day of the Invincible Sun, on December 25th. Mithra was an embodiment of the sun, so this period of rebirth was a major day in Mithraism, which had become Rome's latest official religion with the patronage of Aurelian. It is believed that the emperor Constantine adhered to Mithraism up to the time of his conversion to Christianity. He was probably instrumental in seeing that the major feast of his old religion was carried over to his new faith."

As you have just read, we got the celebration of Christmas from the Church of Rome, or as it is called today, the Roman Catholic Church. The Church of the Lord JESUS CHRIST has received many abominable customs from the Catholic Church. After Constantine's makeshift conversion from sun god worship to his form of Christianity, the mixture began. Before that time, Christians were being severely persecuted. Constantine Christianized his entire army with one motion and stopped the persecutions. Instead of doing away with the old pagan customs, the names were changed to make them attractive to the real Christians.

The Christians who did not conform to the new state religion were persecuted as pagans, and in later years as heretics. See Foxes Book of Martyrs.

This is a brief history of the birth of the Catholic Church. Now let's see what the Catholic Church has to say concerning the birth of Christmas. In The Catholic Encyclopedia under the heading of Christmas, "According to the hypothesis suggested by H. Userner developed by B. Potte (Les Origines) and accepted by most scholars today, the birth of CHRIST was assigned the date of the winter solstice (December 25th in the Julian calendar; January 6th in the Egyptian), because on this day, as the sun began its return to the northern skies, the pagan devotees of Mithra celebrated the Dies Natalis Solic Invite (birthday of the invincible sun). On December 25th, 274 A.D., Aurelian had proclaimed the sun god principle patron of the empire and dedicated a temple to him in the Campus Martius. Christmas originated at a time when the cult of the sun was piratically strong at Rome. This theory finds support in some of the church fathers comparing the birthday of CHRIST and the winter solstice. Indeed, from the beginning of the Third Century 'Sun of Justice' appears as a title of CHRIST (Botte, Les Orgines, p. 63). Through the substitution of Christmas for the pagan festival cannot be proven with certainty, it remains the most plausible explanation for the dating of Christmas."

The festival celebrated throughout the known world was called Saturnalia before the name was changed to Christmas. The name underwent several changes before finally becoming Christmas, which means Mass of CHRIST. As a matter of fact, before being Christmas, the festival was called CHRIST Mass. Let's take an historical look at this festival, Saturnalia, and see if it is in any way similar to what is traditionally celebrated today as the birthday of JESUS CHRIST.

The Encyclopedia Americana, 1826 edition, says, "The great festival, the Saturnalia, became the most popular of Roman festivals, and its influence is still felt throughout the western world. Originally on December 17th, it was extended first to three and eventually seven days. The date has been connected with the winter sowing season, which in modern Italy varies from October-January, remarkably like the Greek Kronia (see Cronnus), it was the gayest festival of the year. All work and business was suspended. Slaves were given temporary freedom to say and do what they liked, and certain moral restrictions were eased. The streets were infected with a Mardi Gras madness, a mock king was chosen (Saturnalia pinceos). The seasonal greeting 'I O Saturnalia' was heard everywhere. Presents were freely exchanged, principally wax candles and little clay dolls (sigillaria). The cult statue of Saturn himself, traditionally bound at the feet with woolen bands, was untied, presumably to come out and enjoy the fun. The influence of the Saturnalia upon Christmas and the New Year has been direct."


1. All work and business was suspended. 2. Slaves (employees) were given temporary freedom. 3. Moral restrictions eased; alcohol consumption even by children. 4. Sexual favors were given as presents. 5. The mock king (Good Ole Santa) is set up. His chair is elevated in department stores. 6. "I O Saturnalia" was heard everywhere. Merry Christmas is heard everywhere. 7. Evergreens were used for decorations (symbols of rebirth and fertility). 8. The boar (male pig) was killed and eaten (symbol of Frey, god of regeneration). Is pig the main meat on our Christmas table? 9. Yule log also was symbol of continuing life. 10. Lights used to dispel the growing darkness of the winter solstice.

The Encyclopedia Americana, 1826 edition, says, "Burning the Yule log was adapted to English custom by ancient Scandinavian practice of kindling huge bonfires in honor of the winter solstice. The idea of using evergreens at Christmas time also came to England from pre-Christian northern European beliefs. Celtic and Teutonic tribes honored these plants at their winter solstice festival, gave properties to the mistletoe (kiss under) in particular. The evergreen holly was worshiped as a promise of the sun's return."

The Christmas Almanac also says about the boar's head that, "The association of the boars head with Christmas probably dates back to pagan times when the Germanic god Frey, who cared for the fertility of the herds, was symbolized by a boar. Therefore, at mid-winter to ensure new calves and lambs in the Spring, a boar would be sacrificed to the god. The sacrifice was carried over into Christmas tradition as a non-religious custom."

Notice how similar Father Christmas of today is to the god Saturn of the Roman Saturnalia. He is also very similar to our Santa Claus. The Christmas Almanac says, "Although he is the English equivalent of Santa Claus, Father Christmas is rather different from our jolly elf and even further removed from the original ascetic and holy St. Nicholas. Father Christmas developed from several pagan predecessors. The Roman Saturnalia celebrated the brief return each year of the Golden Age when the god Saturn returned to rule over Italy. Saturn was a giant who came bearing good food and wine, joy and revelry, and equality of all people. When carried into the northern regions of Europe, Saturn probably combined with the wild figure of Odin and his raging host of spirits who swept across the land during the winter. Thus, Father Christmas was never a Christian religious figure, but symbolized rather, the arrival of those secular pleasures which came from elsewhere than the Christian tradition. He was always portrayed as a giant, wearing a scarlet or green robe lined with fur; crowned with holly, ivy or mistletoe; and carrying the Yule log and a bowl of Christmas punch."

There is nothing Christian about Christmas. Sure, religion has tried to make it appear Christian, but anything like CHRIST must line up with the Word of God and Christmas doesn't. It is full of lies and hypocrisy, from Santa to the giving of gifts to the nativity scene. The most popular scene at Christmas, the nativity scene, says that when the wise men presented gifts to JESUS, He was in a stable. The bible says He was in a house (Matt.2:11) and could have been as much as two years old (Matt. 2:7-16). Why do you think Herod had babies killed from two years old down? Most of the gift giving is only to get something in return and the small portion that is given to the poor is not motivated out of real love; for if it was, the people would give to the poor in the same manner all year long.

Did you know it was against the law to celebrate Christmas in the United States for many years? The truth has been hidden from us throughout the years but our forefathers knew of its roots and who actually receives the worship during this celebration.

The Christmas Almanac says,"America was later in recovering from the Puritan influence than England. Christmas was outlawed in New England until the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1856 Christmas Day was still an ordinary work day in Boston and failure to report to a job was grounds for dismissal. Classes were held in Boston public schools as late as 1870. It was probably the influence of immigrants from Germany and Ireland that finally convinced the Yankees that Christmas could be a harmless, pleasant, and even religious festivity. The first state to declare Christmas a legal holiday was Alabama in 1836. The last was Oklahoma in 1890."

In Christmas written by Allen, page 108, "In 17th century England when Puritans were in power, Christmas was illegal. Markets were ordered to stay open and even the baking of fancy pies and plum pudding were banned. On December 25th all church doors were locked."

In 1659 a New England law barred all Christmas observances. Many Yankees did not accept popular Christmas festivities until well into the 19th century.

The Puritans objected to Christmas on these grounds: (1) it detracted from the significance of the Sabbath, (2) they objected to the fact that many of the customs associated with Christmas had heathen origins and (3) many people became riotous and drunken.

Year Book of Customs by Allen, page 174, "Mistletoe was especially connected with the winter solstice rites in pre-Christian times, so much so that it is one evergreen never allowed in the church. Yule log was used in Scandinavia to honor the god, Thor."

Star in the East, by Holzer, page 36: the fact remains that the use of any form of greens in the Christmas service is entirely pre-Christian and has nothing to do with the nativity. The Druids sang chants to create a harmonious atmosphere among the celebrants. The chants entered into Christmas tradition and became caroling. Also on page 38, "Bringing the tree inside the house and dressing it in lights and other glitter really stems from pre-Christian times. The tree ceremony is Scandinavian rather than Celtic."

I know that many Christians say that they disassociate themselves from all of the lies and paganism of Christmas, but that, my friend, you can't do. If you take the lies and paganism out of Christmas, you'll have no Christmas, for that's what it is made of. Remember (De. 12:28-32), you have no right to add to the commandments that the Lord has given; you only have the right to obey them.


They are bound by the same Christmas spirit. If you say that the Spirit of God motivates you to celebrate Christmas, then what motivates the man who rejects God and everything He offers, to celebrate the same Christmas in very nearly the same manner?

Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath CHRIST with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement has the Temple of God with idols? For ye that are of the Temple of the Living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty (II Cor. 6:14-18).

Many people wonder why the church of today does not manifest the power of the early church. One reason why is because of idol worship. Too many Christians refuse to become new creatures according to II Cor. 5:17-18 and hardly anyone is willing to deny themselves, and those close to them, the pleasure of things like Christmas, as they are commanded to in Luke 14:20-35. If you don't, you cannot be a disciple of JESUS CHRIST. We must be separate from the world. Yes, we are in it but we are not of it. Our religion must be pure and undefiled before God the Father (James 1:21-27).

This little booklet was written to expose one of Satan's traps and I hope that I was able to shed some new light on an old subject. It is important if we are going to worship God in a manner that will be pleasing to Him. Meditate on John 4:19-24. Can we worship anyway we choose or has God prescribed a specific way? Consider the case of Cain in Genesis 4.

In a course called Origins of Religions at the local university, our daughter was informed that the pagans used the tree as a sacrificial pole. During the winter solstice celebration, nine of everything was hung on the tree including people. The purpose of the sacrifice was to appease the sun and get it to return.

CHRISTMAS (Babylon Mystery Religion & Christmas Almanac) Christmas means a mass for CHRIST. Does CHRIST need a mass? Mass is the celebration of the Eucharist. In transubstantiation, the Catholic priest says that the bread and wine do not remain but the entire substance of the bread and wine is changed into the body of CHRIST and into His actual blood respectively. How can this be when He is seated besides the Father in Heaven?

In ancient times there was already a celebration in December. From December 17 until January 6 was their Saturnalia. The first day public ceremonies were held honoring Saturn or Baal. The second day pigs were offered by families. Trees, fires, cedars and oaks were worshiped.

JESUS CHRIST is truth (John 14:6)! Almost everything associated with Christmas is a lie. It is not a mass for CHRIST. Santa Claus does not exist. The date of December 25 as CHRIST's birth is most likely a lie. The brotherly love at Christmas is fake. Some can hardly wait for it to end.

The tree was worshiped and decorated by many ancient pagan groups. In the Bible at least ten times, the green tree is associated with idolatry and false worship.

Druids used holly and mistletoe in their ceremonies. They worshiped the oak tree. Gilded nuts and balls or ornaments symbolize the sun.

The yule log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun god, but cut down by his enemies. The Christmas tree is Nimrod come to life again. Nimrod was so evil, that at his death, the leaders cut his body in twelve pieces and sent them around the world so that his body could not be recovered and worshiped!

For the customs and ordinances of the people are false, empty and futile: for one cuteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck the idol with silver and with gold: they fasten it with nails and with hammer that it move not (Jer. 10:3-4). These customs show how good and evil became mixed, and worship of the true God became polluted.

Missionaries in the sixth century were sent to the pagans in the Roman ford. Finding June 24 very popular, they sought to Christianize this day by calling it John the Baptist's birthday. JESUS' name was easily fitted into this holiday six months later on December 24. Romans exchanged presents for Saturnalia in pagan Rome.

If God wanted us to celebrate JESUS' birthday, I believe He could have given us the date and told us how to do it. We are only told to commemorate His death and resurrection with the Lord's Supper until He comes. The early Christians did this at every meeting. God gave exact instructions to the people for every feast, celebration or sacrifice; that includes dates and activities.

God really got specific in Exodus and Leviticus. He came down hard on all occult practices. He even said to kill those that practiced them.

America was later in receiving from its Puritan influence than England. Christmas was outlawed in New England until the mid nineteenth century. In 1856 Bostonians were required to be at work or they were dismissed. School classes were held until 1870.

Definitions - Mummer: n. (1) A person who wears a mask or disguise for specifically, in England, any of the masked and costumed persons who travel from house to house, as at Christmas time, acting out short pantomimes. (2) Humorously, any actor. Mummery: n.; pl. mummeries, (OFr. mummery, from momer, to mum.) (1) Performance by mummers. (2) Any show or ceremony regarded as pretentious or hypocritical.

History - "Bands of men and women in medieval and later England and elsewhere, who, during periods of public festivity, particularly at Christmas, dressed in fantastic clothes and wearing masks or disguised as animals, serenaded the people outside their houses or joined in the revels within. In a more restricted sense the term is applied to the actors in the old English rural folk plays of St. George, etc.; and 'mumming' thus becomes a contemptuous synonym for any form of stage-playing. The origin of the word mummer (older spelling 'mommer,' Fr. momeur) is not satisfactorily explained, but the verb 'to mum' means both to mutter and to be silent, and 'mummer' apparently comes from one or both of these senses. Mumming seems to have been a survival of the Roman custom of masquerading during the annual orgies of the Saturnalia. 'The disguising and mummying that is used in Christmas time,' Langley writes in his synopsis of Polydore Virgil, 'in the North parties came out of the feasts of Pallas, that were done with visors and painted visages, named Quinqatria of the Romaynes.' Aubanus, writing of mumming in Germany, says that 'in the Saturnalia there were frequent and luxurious feastings amongst friends, presents were mutually sent, and changes of dress made; that Christians have adopted the same customs, which continue to be used from the Nativity to the Epiphany: that exchanges of dress too, as of old among the Romans, are common, and neighbors by mutual invitation visit each other in the manner which the Germans call mummery.' Christmas was the grand season for mumming in England. Some were disguised as bears, others as unicorns, or wore deer's hide and antler's or ram's horns. Mumming led to such outrages that Henry VIII issued a proclamation declaring the wearing of a mask or disguise a misdemeanor. Stow gives an account of an elaborate mummery held in 1377 by the London citizens to amuse the son of the Black Prince, then living at Kennington (Survey, 1603, p. 97). In Scotland, where mumming still exists at Christmas, Hogmanay, New Year's Day and Handsel Monday, mummers are called 'guisards'. They usually present on these four nights a rude drama called Galatian, which, in various versions, is common throughout the Lowlands of Scotland."

Comments: The above was taken from dictionaries and encyclopedias with the scripture from the Bible. The practices refer to idolatrous and ungodly conduct. Some of the key words researched are chirp, murmur, peep and mutter uttered by people practicing the occult or talking against God. Mummery is regarded as pretentious and hypocritical. It is described as contemptuous, mutter, annual orgies of the Saturnalia, unicorns, outrages, rude drama, etc.

Since I am older and have observed several of my mistakes in child rearing and training, and have seen a few of the consequences of them, I'd like to submit some of my observations and conclusions to you for your consideration.

One of the best occasions to teach selfishness to children is Christmas. Along with selfishness comes a myriad of other demonic traits. Here's how it usually goes. On his first Christmas he observes the occasion. He gets many gifts; most don't interest him at all, but he senses he is supposed to act like he wants and enjoys everything. We act hurt if he does not love everything. He learns to pretend he likes everything. During the year there are other occasions to turn him in on himself. At Easter: get all the eggs you can, be the best, get the most, feel bad if someone gets more than you, the tooth fairy will leave you something. Then we really confuse him by telling him to share.

We neglect him by allowing him to watch television programs he should not see. Do you realize how difficult it is to remove anything from your mind once you have seen it? Look at the demonic infilling today's children get from the programs they see. There are numerous acts of violence in almost all children's cartoons today: hate, fear, distorted reality (some teach that good is bad and that bad is good, Isa. 5:20), violence, murder, manipulation of others, greed, wanting, idol worship, witchcraft. You say those are cute cartoons? Look at them and see for yourself.

Long before Christmas we start asking, "What do you want?" We go to the toy store with them; they sense that it is very important that they be pleased. We ask over and over, "What do you want?" Each time we ask the question, we send selfishness plus all his family of demons to our children. Each year this ritual continues until the young person gets the idea that his wants are the most important thing in the world. When he is confronted with the real world, he cops out - enter mind altering substances, etc. We take other occasions to teach selfishness: what about his birthday, tooth fairy, Valentine's Day, etc.?

My School-Teaching Observances - As the holidays draw nearer, the children begin to express the tensions they feel. They lose self-control, and become restless, aggravated and agitated. They fight and argue more, and show more selfishness, laziness, day dreaming, pretense and procrastination. They brag about what they will get; they intimidate those they know will not get as good or as much as they will. The competition between them becomes somewhat hostile. By the time you've added your bit to their already loaded mind, you are glad to see them off for a few days.

When I was a young teacher, I did not have any idea what was going on. After I received some DELIVERANCE, I returned to the classroom for a few years and was amazed to understand more of what was really going on. The first year I was surprised to see my usually obedient, resourceful workers acting strange and not at all their usual selves. I was reminded to bind and loose in our morning prayers. We would bind up all the obvious demons (stupid, fighting, lazy, sloppiness, fantasy, etc.) and it helped. The breakthrough did not come until we began to take authority over idolatry, bind up all the authority that idolatry held over them, and loose upon them true worship of God (plus spirits of strength, power, might, self control, loving kindness, good learners, being smart, etc.) Then we saw a gradual turning back to good work habits and good, healthy attitudes.

Also, I would like to share some results of my erroneous teachings. When our daughter was about 6 to 8 years old, the lies we had told her became exposed. For several days I noticed she was acting strange. She seemed to leave the room when I came in and made every effort not to talk to me. She would still talk to her brother. I asked him to see if he could find out what was wrong. When he reported his conversation with her to me, I was stunned. She had decided that I could not be trusted. She had gotten a little upset when she caught me in the first lie but now I had told her more than one. How could she tell when I was lying? He tried to explain that Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and the Easter Bunny were just pretending for children. Her next question was, "How do I know when it's pretending?" It looks like lies to me and it hurt when I found out the truth. The worst thing was that she told me not to lie. The results of this was that she always questioned my advice and usually had to test things to see if I had told her the truth. I had reaped the results of lies and deception but the worst part was to watch her struggle with believing me. I had hurt someone very dear to me; something I would never have done on purpose. Satan always paints his lies beautifully. He never shows some one dying of lung cancer in the cigarette ads.

What can we do? - Father is the leader and the responsibility is his. Mother should play on father's team. Ahabs and Jezebels love traditions. Traditions hold people in bondage. If you follow tradition, you don't have to think or take responsibility for your actions and failures. Maybe a new tradition should be started in your family. How about living the Christian life in such a way that (if I may use the word Christmas) Christmas is everyday? If gifts are given, why don't parents hold a conference and decide what the children should have now. New interests, maybe a life's career, can be generated by the proper gifts given at the proper time. A child cannot know what is best for him. He only knows what he wants; if he gets all his wants, he usually ends up bad. Pro. 29:15, A rod and correction bringeth wisdom, but a child left to himself brings his mother to shame.

God is total reality; there is no fantasy or play-acting in God! There is no unreality in the Bible! Christians should not deal in any spiritual fantasy. Fantasy is very simply a lie that is not from God. God does not need any human circus or side shows to sell and promote the kingdom of God! All it takes is a straight forward application of the Bible with signs, wonders and miracles following the true teaching of the Word of God to attract people to church. JESUS said if you don't believe me then believe my miracles.

1. Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged, Second Edition, 1970. The unabridged dictionary is the best type of dictionary to use to study spiritual origins of words and practices.

2. The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in the authorized King James version along with "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible" with Greek and Hebrew Dictionary.

3. The Encyclopedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information, Eleventh Edition, 1910. The best type of encyclopedia to study spiritual origins is the older ones. The newer encyclopedias leave out more and more about spiritual things.

4. The World Book Encyclopedia and The New Family Encyclopedia.

5. This lesson was adapted with his permission from Christmas - Pagan Holiday or Christian written by Walley Naylor. It also includes portions from lessons by Gene and Earline Moody.

LIST OF DEMONS FOR HOLIDAYS to be cast OUT as JESUS commanded in Mark 16:17:

Abominations, Abstinence of Lent, Adonis, Ahab, Asiris Eucharist, Astarte, Baal, Bacchus, Black Sabbath Mass, Blessed Palm, Willow & Olive, Bragging, Casting Spells, Chambers of Imagery, Charms, Confusion, Cruel, Dead Stock of Nimrod, Demonic Images, Demonic Manipulation, Depression, Devil's Colors, Diana of Euphrates, Disappointment, Distrust, Divination, Doubt, Druids, Easter, Ego, Elves, Embarrassment, Envy, Eroticism, Estre, Evil Competition, Fairies, False Healing Powers, False Worship, Falsity, Familiar Spirits, Fantasy, Fear, Fear of Failing, Fertility, Futility, Goddess of Flowers (Flora), Greed, Halloween, Harshness, Hate, Haunted Houses, Heathen Worship, Hot Cross Buns, Hurt, Idol Worship, Idolatry, Image of Jealousy, Ishtar, Jack-O-Lantern, Janus, Jezebel, Joannes, Laziness, Liber, Lord of Dead (Shamhain), Lust, Lying, Mass for CHRIST, May Pole, Misleading Children, Mother of Mercury (Maia), Mourners for Tammuz, Necromancy, Negative, Nimrod, Oannes, Occult Supernatural, Occult Practices, Ostera, Pagan Rituals, Pouting, Pressure, Pride, Queen of Heaven, Rebellion, Reign of Evil, Reveling, Sacred Oaks, Sacred Egg, Sacrifice to satan, Santa Claus, Satan Worship, Saturn Worship (Saturnalia), Saturn, Selfishness, Shame, Sorcery, Sun Worship, Tammuz, Traditions, Unclean Things, Unclean Spirits, Unhappiness, Vanity, Violence, Wanting, Witchcraft, Witches/Wizards, Worship of Firs /Cedars and Oaks Honoring Dead Saints, Worship of Rabbit

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Tom and Donna Ministries, Clear Vision Revival