- This lesson is meant for ministry to children and
also adults who have been treated with drugs to
control the mind. It could also apply to "street
drugs" which have similar effects on the person. The
saddest thing to us is that the Christian World looks
to the the psychiatric profession and associated
occupations rather than to the Holy Bible and Almighty
God about how to handle illnesses of the mind and
raise children. God's Word shows you how to do these
- There are countless children in this country on very
dangerous psychiatric drugs. They are the unwitting
guinea pigs of an experiment which is turning into a
nightmare of monstrous proportions. In the past five
years alone, the number of children committing suicide
is up over 600%. Evidence is mounting, on a daily
basis, that this tragedy is directly related to
psychiatric treatment of children at an early age.
Even if you have no children, children are the future
of this nation. You doubtlessly have been and will be
affected by what is going on.
Over the past ten
years, psychiatry has shifted its income base from
primarily treating adults to primarily treating
children. This has been made possible by group medical
plans which have recently (over the past 12 to 15
years) included coverage for psychiatric "treatments".
As a result, there
are over 400% more children in psychiatric hospitals
today than in 1980. It is estimated that the number of
school children carrying psychiatric "diagnoses" of
"mental illness' is up over 1000% in the same time
period. In today's society, hanging a label of 'mental
illness' on a child is like hanging a sign around the
child's neck saying, "GARBAGE: TAKE IT AWAY!"
BECOME "MENTALLY ILL" - Under psychiatry's
invented criteria, there isn't a single normal
childhood behavior which doesn't fall within the broad
"symptoms" which comprise so-called "mental illness".
Psychiatry has
implanted into our lives their solution to the age-old
problems of life, as well as their solution to the
problems encountered in the education of children.
Psychiatry's solution is to medicalize, label and then
to cash in on the most common problems of life,
including those experienced daily by people who
educate and live with children.
CHILD IS LABELED - The American Psychiatric
Association published a test called the "Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders". In the
psychiatric industry it is known as the "bible of
psychiatry". It is so highly regarded because if a
"mental illness" is not in this book, insurance
companies will not pay the bill.
OPINION COUNTS? - Whether any of the above
"criteria" fit any particular child, depends only on
the subjective opinion of the "adult" making the
"diagnosis". As anyone can observe, some adults are
better able to tolerate activity in children than
others. This tolerance or intolerance for that matter
can even vary, in the same adult, over a period of
trick is to get the parents to buy the "diagnosis" of
"mental illness". Parents are often told or led to
believe that "there is a real 'scientific' basis for
the 'disease'." This is an utter falsehood. The only
"criteria" are those listed above and the obvious
financial benefits to the psychiatrist and other
so-called "mental health professionals".
The truth is,
psychiatrists say they "don't know what causes
children to act as they do". The main criteria for
having the "disease" seems to be the parents'
willingness and ability to pay for "treatment" and
often whether the parents have psychiatric coverage on
their medical insurance.
PROTECT YOUR CHILD - We also want any
parent who still believes a child is too active, to
know there are alternatives to drugging the child. In
fact, there is extensive information available on
handling active children without drugs. However, the
first alternative to drugging a child, which the
parent must recognize and choose, is to "not drug the
1. Cylert,
Dexedrine, Mellaril, Tofranil, Haldol, Thorazine,
Ritalin, Speed and Amphetamine-Like Drugs
2. Withdrawal,
Depressed Mood, Fatigue, Psychotic Episodes, Severe
Prolonged Depression, Paranoia, Suicidal, Severe Sleep
Disturbances, Bed Wetting, Increased Dreaming with
3. Mental Illness,
Crazy, Insanity, Nutritional Deficiencies, Stunting of
Growth, Allergic Reactions
4. Anxiety, Tension,
Extreme Agitation, Irritability, Psychosis
5. Mood Swings,
Nervousness, Insomnia, Dizziness, Headache, Appetite
Loss, Unexplained Fever, Blurred Vision, Joint Pain,
Uncontrolled Movements, Rash, Hives, Sore Throat,
Nausea, Abdominal Pain, Chest Pain, Fast/Irregular
Heart Beat, Unusual Bruising, Unusual Tiredness, High
Blood Pressure
6. Confusion,
Behavior Problems
7. Tourette's
Syndrome, Body Ticks, Spasms, Barking Sounds,
Screaming Babble, Screaming Obscenities
8. Seizures,
Epileptic, Convulsions, Fits, Grand Mal, Petit Mal,
Body Twitches, Violent Muscular Spasms,
Unconsciousness, Brain Damage
9. Over Stimulation
of Central Nervous System, Death, Vomiting, Tremors,
Exaggeration of Reflexes, Muscle Twitching,
Convulsions, Coma, Euphoria, Confusion,
Hallucinations, Delirium Sweating, Flushing, Headache,
High Fever, Abnormally Rapid Heart Rate, Irregular
Heart Beat, Pounding Heart, High Arterial Blood
Pressure, Pupil Dilation, Dryness of Mucous Membranes
10. Thorazine,
Chemical Lobotomy, Thorazine Shuffle, Slack Jawed,
Drooling, Palms Turning Back, Arms Hanging Slack,
Tardive Dyskinesia, Uncontrollable Muscle Spasm,
Tongue Rolled Over, Tongue Protruding, Limbs Shake,
Parkinson's Disease
11. Attention
Deficit Disorder, Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Learning
Disability, Impulse Disorder
12. Hyperactivity,
Inattention, Impulsivity
1. Dr. Caligari's
Psychiatric Drugs from network Against Psychiatric
2. Drugs by H.
Winter Griffith, M.D.
3. Physicians Desk
Reference from Medical Economics Company
4. Use a large
medical dictionary or standard dictionary.
5. The above was
excerpted from brochures of The Citizens Commission on
Human Rights, 5265 Fountain Avenue, Suite 2, Los
Angeles, California 90029. You can obtain more
detailed information from them about drug effects on