Job 31:1 I made a
covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon
a maid?
Prov. 5:15-21 Be
content with your wife and do not commit adultery.
Prov. 5:19 Let her
breasts satisfy thee at all times.
Jer. 3:3 Thou had a
whore's forehead and was not ashamed.
Mal. 2:14-16 He
hateth putting away (God hates divorce).
Mark 9:43-48 Hand -
foot - eye: cut off or pluck out rather than go to
Gal. 5:1 CHRIST has
made us free (we have a free will).
James 5:13-20 The
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth
James 5:16 Confess
your faults one to another, and pray one for another.
Rel. 21:7-8 Whore
mongers - shall have their part in the lake which
- This is a lesson that I have never heard taught.
Bill Null asked me to teach the men's class at Lake
Hamilton Bible Camp shortly before it was to begin. I
asked the Lord what to do and he gave me the initial
part of this lesson. This is a very sensitive lesson.
It causes problems for Christians as they grow older;
the change of life may even start at a young age such
as in the 30's.
COLUMN - I like to read her newspaper
column to find out what is happening in peoples'
lives. Since our ministry is to help people who are
hurting, we need an understanding of what experiences
people have to go through in life. There has been
considerable written about the difficulties that
married couples face in the change of life of the
woman or even of the man.
FAULTS TO OTHERS - We have had many prayer
meetings in our home where DELIVERANCE was the main
subject. One type of meeting had this format: we would
sit around the room in a circle and each person would
have time to talk. I would take notes; then each
person would pray and get right with God. After the
prayers, we would cast out demons. Publicly confessing
your sins is very effective.
It bothers me to
watch ministers, especially DELIVERANCE ministers, try
to forgive people's sins. This is an absolute
impossibility! Only God can forgive sins, and only
then when a person really repents and humbly asks God
for forgiveness. If you cast out a demon that has a
right before God to be there, that demon has a right
to come back in again!
The most effective
way to get rid of demons is to have the person repent
of the specific sins committed by that person or
committed by that person's ancestors as the first step
to DELIVERANCE. You could say that the most important
aspect of Christianity, and also of DELIVERANCE, is
repentance. Without repentance, you will never become
a Christian. Without repentance, you will not get your
demons cast out or they will not stay out.
AFTER OTHER WOMEN - Does a man have a right
to lust after other women? Clearly, the Bible teaches
that lust is a sin and is an opening for demons.
What will happen if
the man freely lusts after other women? Satan will set
a trap in the future with a loose woman. Sin begins
with the thought process and leads to actions later
on. Consider our divorce rate of about 50% in America,
that there are more women than men, the declining
morals of our society, the women that are looking for
a husband anyway they can get one married or
unmarried, and you will see how easy it is for Satan
to trap the man.
AFTER OTHER MEN - You may not think so but
women also lust after men. This was a shock to Earline
when she discovered that practice of women. This
action is getting worse; the women are becoming more
forward and initiating the approach to men. Women are
becoming more like men in the area of sin. You can see
the effects on women as they begin to sin like men.
They become hard of heart, their hair begins to fall
out, their face hardens, they get a whore's forehead
and they begin to have problems like men.
"That period which marks the permanent cessation of
menstrual activity. Usually occurs between the ages of
35 and 58. Natural menopause will occur in 25% of
women by age 47, in 50% by age 50, 75% by age 52, and
in 95% by age 55. Menopause due to surgical removal of
the ovaries occurs in almost 30% of U.S. women past
age 50.
The symptoms that
may be associated with menopause begin soon following
the cessation of ovarian function. This is true
whether menopause occurs natural, or is due to
surgical removal of the ovaries or failure of the
pituitary gland to function. Symptoms that may last
from a few months to years vary from being hardly
noticeable to severe. Included are symptoms of
vasomotor instability, nervousness, hot flashes,
chills, excitability, fatigue, apathy, mental
depression, crying following circumstances that would
not normally cause that reaction, insomnia,
palpitation, vertigo, headache, numbness, tingling,
myalgia, urinary disturbances such as frequency and
incontinence, and various disorders of the
gastrointestinal system.
Hot flashes, or hot
flushes, may start with an aura followed by a feeling
of discomfort in the abdominal area, perhaps a chill
quickly followed by a feeling of heat moving toward
the head. Next the face becomes red, and sweating is
followed by exhaustion. The cause, or causes, of hot
flashes is not completely understood and is
controversial (my thoughts - could it be demonic?).
Treatment - Hormone
replacement as required. However, the use of estrogen
or estrogen combined with a progestogen as a cure-all
in treating the symptoms of menopause has been
seriously questioned due to the possibility of
undesired side effects. Hormonal replacement therapy
is contraindicated in those with a history of an
estrogen-dependent breast tumor, thromboembolic
disease, or acute liver disease. The long-term use of
estrogens in order to prevent osteoporosis, q.v., is
questionable. If menopause is the result of surgical
removal of the ovaries, it is possible that estrogen
therapy will reduce the risk of coronary disease.
Yearly pelvic examination to include Papanicolaou test
for cancer of the uterus and cervix.
Artificial -
Menopause occurring subsequent to surgical castration,
x-ray irradiation, or radium implantation into the
Premature - Natural
or artificial menopause occurring before age 35.
Surgical - A form of
artificial menopause that follows surgical removal of
the ovaries."
ABOUT TREATMENT - The woman is torn between
wanting to sexually satisfy her husband and
maintaining her physical health. If she studies about
hormone replacement, she will find that there are two
sides to that issue. There are two schools of thought
in the medical profession: either take estrogen or do
not take estrogen.
If the woman takes
estrogen, she will remain more sexually active for a
longer period of time. However, she risks the serious
side effects of contacting cancer or other diseases.
Her husband may push her to take estrogen so that he
can selfishly satisfy his sexual desires at her
If she doesn't take
estrogen, her body will continue the natural process
of aging. It will become harder to have intercourse as
she becomes older. It becomes more painful because her
body becomes more fragile.
What about the use
of lotions and creams? These help but they are a poor
substitute for estrogen or the former youthfulness of
the woman's body.
If she doesn't have
intercourse, she may risk losing her husband who is
only motivated by sex and not by love for his wife.
How often have you read or heard about the man leaving
his middle-aged wife for a younger woman? Clearly,
this is usually motivated by sexual desires because
the woman can still perform the other wifely duties.
CLIMACTERIC - "The period that marks the
cessation of a woman's reproductive ability (female
climacteric or menopause); a corresponding period of
lessening of sexual activity in the male (male
climacteric)." Sometimes this has been jokingly called
"the seven-year itch" to have another woman to prove
that the male has not lost his ability.
What happens to the
male when his sexual drive begins to lessen? He may
take it as a normal part of the aging process or he
may go to extremes to compensate for what he feels is
a loss of manhood. He may become overly concerned
about his loss of hair, start transplanting hair from
his body to his head, and grow a beard to compensate
for the loss of hair. He may start dressing in a
flashy manner to show his sexiness. He may buy a
sports car to show his youth. He may start acting
younger in mannerisms and actions. He is no longer an
Oldmobile but now a Youngmobile. He may start going to
the bars for one-night stands. He may start running
around on his wife. He may even get separated or
divorced. He may ignore the concerns of his children.
He may ignore all wisdom and common sense to show that
he is still sexy. Earline had a college roommate that
made a very apt statement, "A man is led around by his
MAKE US THIS WAY? - The question that I
have wrestled with for years is "why did God make the
man and woman this way?" It is fairly easy to see that
women should have children when they are young. They
need the health and about twenty years to raise a
child. Also, the older the couple, the more likely the
child will be born with physical deformities and
mental limitations.
Well, what about
sex? What does the woman do as she is still married
and her body is wearing out due to age, sickness and
disease? What does the man do as he is still married
and his body still has the lessened capacity for sex?
The man has the capacity for sex many years after the
woman enters menopause, possibly until he dies.
God hates divorce
and the Bible teaches that we should practice one man
- one woman throughout life. Does the man have the
right to divorce his older wife and find a younger one
mainly for sex? The biblical answer is clearly no!
Does the woman have
a right to deny her husband sex when she reaches the
menopause stage of life? She will be able to perform
well for some years after that stage. What about sex
as it becomes more and more painful? What if she
chooses not to take estrogen? She has to make the
choices of treatment and take the chances with her
body. Should the husband force her to take estrogen?
Before God, she has the right to decide what to do
with her body and the husband should not coerce her in
any way.
What should the man
do who can not have sex with his wife? Should he
masturbate? Should he read and watch pornography? How
about watching television with all of its sex in
advertisements and shows which just stimulates the
sexual drive?
ANSWER? - As you can see, this is a problem
for all of mankind and womankind. You will face this
problem sooner or later in life. What will you do
then? Will you give up your Christianity to have sex?
Will you compromise your morals or beliefs to justify
your actions?
Why did God make us
this way and then write the Bible where it is
difficult to follow? Could it be that this is a long
personal test to see if we will follow His precepts or
fall away to sexual sins? Do we follow God or follow
our fleshly desires? Do we follow spiritual things or
carnal things?
How important is sex
to you? What are you willing to sacrifice to have it?
What about your soul? Are you toying with the second
death, the lake of fire and brimstone? Men, it would
be better to cut your penis off than to lose your
salvation. Women, it would be better to cut your
breasts off than to lose your salvation. If that
sounds strong, how about the verses of plucking out
your eyes or removing the offending member rather than
perish in Hell?
PROBLEMS - A DELIVERANCE lesson could be
developed dealing with the physical, mental and
spiritual problems associated with problems in
menstrual cycle. How many of you have been prayed for
or prayed for others in this area?
Taber's Cyclopedic
Medical Dictionary (Everybody in DELIVERANCE should
have this book. It provides a list of demons when
praying for someone with diseases.)
MEN - Lord, I forgive my wife for problems
in my life caused by the changes in her life. I ask
that she forgive me for problems in her life caused by
the changes in my life. Forgive me for lusting after
other women and other sexual sins I have committed.
Protect me from the whorish woman. Please restore me
from the effects of sexual sin. I forgive Adam and Eve
for the original sin and cursing mankind. Forgive me
for having wrong feelings for my wife due to
difficulty in having intercourse. Please heal my body
so that I can have normal intercourse during my
lifetime. I forgive my wife for excuses for not having
sex. In JESUS Name, I pray. Amen.
WOMEN - Lord, I forgive my husband for
problems in my life caused by the changes in his life.
I ask that he forgive me for problems in his life
caused by the changes in my life. Forgive me for
lusting after other men and other sexual sins I have
committed. Protect me from the whoremongering man.
Please restore me from the effects of sexual sin.
Forgive me for being double minded. I forgive Adam and
Eve for the original sin and cursing woman kind.
Forgive me for having wrong feelings for my husband
due to difficulty in having intercourse. Please heal
my body so that I can have normal intercourse during
my lifetime. I forgive my husband for the pain of
having sex. In JESUS Name, I pray. Amen.
DEMONS - You could use the lists of Sexual
Harassment - Abuse - Assault - Violence and Sexual Sin
and Diseases in the Mass DELIVERANCE Manual.
The following lists
more demons for use in DELIVERANCE: Menopause -
failure of pituitary gland, vasomotor instability,
nervousness, hot flashes, chills, excitability,
fatigue, apathy, mental depression, abnormal crying,
insomnia, palpitation, vertigo, headache, numbness,
tingling, myalgia, urinary incontinence,
gastrointestinal disorders, hot flushes, breast
tumors, thromboembolic disease, acute liver disease,
osteoporosis, coronary disease, cancer of uterus and
cervix, castration, x-ray irradiation, radium
implantation of uterus, climacteric, Menstruation -
vicarious menstruation; uterine hemorrhage; endocrine
disturbances: pituitary gland, thyroid, and ovary;
general systemic diseases: hypertension, diabetes
melitius, blood dyscrasias, chronic nephritis;
malpositions of the uterus: retroversion and
retroflexion; new growths of the uterus: particularly
fibroids of the uterus with hyperplastic changes of
the endometrium; conditions of the cervix uteri:
erosions or polypi; inflammations in the pelvis: acute
salpingitis, acute metritis, acute endometritis,
chronic metritis, and endometritis; painful
menstruation or pelvic pain; prolonged menstruation;
abnormal menstruation; damage by birth control pills
or intrauterine device; epileptic convulsions;
menstrual extraction; fertility control; congential
abnormalities; physical disorders: disease, obesity,
malnutrition; emotional or hormonal disturbances;
diseases of ovaries, hypophysis, thyroid, or adrenal
glands; menstrual irregularities: absence of flow,
scanty flow, painful menstruation, excessive loss of
blood, spotting; anovulatory; retrograde; suppressed;
Other Related
Spirits - hard heartedness, premature baldness,
hardness of face, whore's forehead, whoremonger's
forehead, stress, hypertension, demonic baldness,
indecent clothing, exhibitionism, adultery,
fornication, separation, divorce, worship of sex,
premature aging, sicknesses, diseases, rough sex,
masturbation, pornography, sexual fantasy, sexual
carnality, unnatural menstruation, female problems,
many sexual partners.