HOW TO GET DELIVERED - Relax and cooperate with the deliverance minister and workers. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have not lost a deliveree in thirteen years of ministry. God never gives a spirit of fear; all fear is from Satan.

Demons are like air. They are usually expelled by the exhaling of breath. This can be by yawning, coughing, deep breathing or gentle exhaling of breath. Demons can have nests in the body which have substance. They are usually expelled by blowing the nose, coughing up phlegm or vomiting. Don't feel bad when this happens. For instance, it is beautiful to see a cancer vomited out of a person during deliverance. Paper towels and waste cans are provided for this reason.

Demons can temporarily take over your body and manifest their characteristics. They can look through your eyes, cause the body to assume grotesque shapes, temporarily paralyze the body, throw the body on the floor and cause it to squirm around, and talk using your voice.

Deliverance is the casting out of demons from your body. Prayer is the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Leave the passages open so that the spirits can leave. Do not pray, pray in tongues or chant. Chanting is the repetition of a word or phrase such as saying Jesus repeatedly.

Decide that you want to get rid of the demons within your body. You no longer agree with them and they no longer will be your pets. Exercise your mind and will to be delivered. If the demons do not leave, command them, by name, to go; do this verbally, out loud, for more power.

Do not hold back or be embarrassed. As they come up and out of your chest, let them go even if you have to spit or whatever. It is all right even if they take over some part of your body. If you have too much pride to let the demons manifest to get delivered, you give the demons a right to stay. God hates pride; it is an abomination to Him!

Deliverance workers should move around quietly. Provide paper towels to those who need them. Lay hands on those who are having trouble, agree with them, and command the demons to come out. Do not start a conversation with the person during mass deliverance. This interrupts the flow of the deliverance and you then have your own private meeting.

Deliverance is not prayer. You command the demons to go in Jesus' Name. He will not cast the demons out. He has given us that authority and He expects us to use it.

Babies and children generally get delivered easily. Babies can even get delivered in the womb. Women generally manifest more than men do. Women usually get into and out of spiritual trouble more quickly than men. Men generally get delivered by the simple exhaling of the breath. The more a person is in bondage, the greater the manifestations will be.

Deliverance is dynamic and exciting. It is wonderful to see people getting set free from demon bondage. Jesus Christ is glorified when Satan is defeated by Christians here on earth.

Families should sit together. Husbands are the most effective in casting demons out of their family because they are given spiritual authority over it. We believe this authority is even greater than that of the deliverance minister.

It is not the loudness of a command that moves the demon but the authority of the name and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You must know your authority or the demons will recognize your weakness. By initiating young, interested believers into the battle for deliverance, they soon become seasoned soldiers, learning tactics on the battlefield.


General - There are many good deliverance prayers that have been written and printed in books and in loose-leaf form. Some of these prayers are general and some have been written for specific purposes.

The ideal prayer is the one prayed by the individual to cover the specific area of that person's life that is being ministered to at that time. The next best prayer is the form prayer which the person repeats after the deliverance leader.

The following prayers have been used many times by us and have produced good results. One side benefit is that the people can see what is wrong and evil in their lives by what is contained in the prayers.

These prayers can be used for individuals, small groups or large groups equally well.

Short Prayer - "Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You redeemed me by your blood and I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I confess all my sins--known and unknown--I'm sorry for them all. I renounce them all. I forgive all others as I want you to forgive me. (Pause) Forgive me now and cleanse me with your blood. I thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses me now from all sin. And I come to you now as my deliverer. You know my special needs--the thing that binds, that torments, that defiles; that evil spirit, that unclean spirit--I claim the promise of your word, 'Whosoever that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.' I call upon you now. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me and set me free. Satan, I renounce you and all your works. I loose myself from you, in the name of Jesus, and I command you to leave me right now in Jesus' name. Amen!"

This is my favorite prayer because it is short and effective. The first part is salvation and the last part is deliverance. You can pause after the sentence highlighted about forgiveness and let the people forgive others as the Holy Spirit leads them. This prayer was written by Derek Prince.

Moody's Prayers - The first thing we do is get the people to pray about their specific problems and sins, so that the blood of Jesus can cleanse the people and take away legal rights that the demons have to remain, and God can begin to act. You must personally repent of your sins!

Then we get the people to repeat the Short Prayer out loud with sincerity after me.

Finally, we lead the people in a prayer out loud that covers Sins of Ancestors, Curses, Soul Ties, Fragmented Soul, and Subconscious Mind as follows:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I forgive my ancestors and descendants, and I ask you to forgive and bless them. Forgive me for my many sins and I forgive myself for sins against my body. I break all curses, charms, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, hexes, vexes and demonic ties that bind. I break all soul ties caused by witchcraft, sorcery, bewitchment or sexual sins. Lord Jesus, restore my fragmented soul: mind, will and emotions; send your angels out to recover anything that was stolen from me. Lord Jesus, stir up the demons in my subconscious mind so that they can be identified and cast out. All these things I ask in the blessed name of my Lord Jesus Christ: My Lord, Master and Savior. I now take authority over Satan and all the forces of evil according to the whole Word of God and command that you obey it. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I ask these things. Amen."

After the people have prayed and been led in prayer, then I take spiritual authority over the meeting as follows:

"Satan, we come against all powers, principalities, evil forces in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. We come against all demons inside or outside of anyone present, over this city, state, nation and world, in Hell or out of Hell. The Bible says, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. We intend to exercise that power to set ourselves free. Satan, we come against you by the power and blood of Jesus Christ, by the Word of God, by the name of Jesus, by the authority of the believer, in the unity of our spirits. Satan, we tell you that we sit in heavenly places with our Christ Jesus. We are over you, your fallen angels, your demons and all forces of evil. We command you to line up in rank and file and order, and come out quickly. We bind every power that you have and loose ourselves from you in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you would send the gifts of the Holy Spirit as needed to minister to the needs of the people and to accomplish what you want done here today. We are careful to give you all the glory, honor, praise and credit for everything that is said or done. We ask all these things in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master and Savior. And we take authority over Satan according to the whole Word of God. For it's in Jesus name we pray. Amen!"

BIBLICAL CURSES - "I break any curses placed on me or my descendants from uttering a wish of evil against one; to imprecate evil, to call for mischief or injury to fall upon; to execrate, to bring evil upon or to; to blast, vex, harass or torment with great calamities. I break these curses in Jesus' name. I break the curses back to ten generations or even to Adam and Eve on both sides of my family, and destroy every legal hold and every legal ground that demons have to work in my life. I break curses that follow in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Mistreating God's Chosen People, Willing Deceivers, Adultery, Harlotry, Prostitution, Disobedience to Bible, Idolatry Keeping Cursed Objects, Refusing To Fight For God, House of Wicked, Not Giving To Poor, Stealing, Swearing Falsely By God, Failing To Give Glory to God, Robbing God of Tithes, Dishonoring Parents, Hearkening to Wives Rather Than God, Making Graven Images, Cheating People Out of Property, Taking Advantage of Blind, Oppressing Strangers, Widows, Orphans, Bestiality, Incest With Sister or Mother, Murder Secretly or For Hire, Pride, Putting Trust In Man, Doing The Work of God Deceitfully, Rewarding Evil For Good, Abortion or Causing Unborn To Die, Having Bastards, Murdering Indirectly, Striking Parents, Kidnapping, Cursing Parents, Not Preventing Death, Sacrificing to Gods, Witchcraft, Turning Someone Away From God, Following Horoscopes, Rebelling Against Pastors, Losing Virginity Before Marriage, False Prophets, Rape, Not Disciplining Children, Teaching Rebellion Against God, Cursing Rulers, Refusing To Warn Sinners, Defiling The Sabbath, Sacrificing Humans, Seances and Fortune Telling, Intercourse During Menstruation, Homosexuals and Lesbians, Necromancers, Blaspheming Lord's Name, Being Carnally Minded, Oral and Anal Sex, Children Rebelling, Nonproductivity, Fugitive and Vagabond, Improper Family Structure, Destruction of Family Priesthood, Refusing To Do The Word of God, Family Disorder, Failure and Poverty, Any Sin Worthy of Death, Touching God's Anointed, Perversion of Gospel, Loving Cursing, Choosing That Which God Delights Not In, Looking To World For Help, Stubbornness and Rebellion, Offending Children Believing Christ, Adding To or Taking Away From Bible, Any Biblical Curse Not listed Above,

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee and overtake thee (Deut. 28:15). I believe that there is a curse for every verse that you disobey and a blessing for every verse that you obey. If you obey half the Bible, you are half blessed and half cursed.

SOUL TIES - "I renounce these evil soul ties, break them and wash them away with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I break all evil soul ties with the following:"


Anyone I Have Had Sex With Outside of Marriage

Divorced Mates

By Incest, Rape, Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Bestiality, Lesbianism

Bloodless Religions, Religious Cults

Blood Brothers/Sisters By Rites

Witchcraft, Occult, Satan Worship

Fortune Tellers, Mediums

Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Mental Institutions

Finally, I break any agreement with anyone that forms an evil soul tie.

OCCULT AND FALSE RELIGIONS - "I renounce all fortune telling, magic practices and spiritism, cults and false teachings, and Satan worship. I break every curse and soul tie brought about by psychic heredity, occult contacts and religious cults. I now break any demonic hold on my family line due to supernatural experiences apart from God including the following forbidden practices and all that they entail."

Enchantments, Wizardry, Necromancy, Witchcraft, Observer of Times, Fortune Telling, Consulting With, Occult Practices, Spiritism, Familiar Spirits, Sorcery, Magic Practices, Son or Daughter, Divination, Charmers, Passing Through Fire, False Religious Cults,

LOOSING GODLY SPIRITS - We can bind and loose spirits (Matt. 18:18-20). We can loose ministering spirits from the Lord. We bind the spirits (demons) of Satan and loose the spirits (angels) of God. We cast demons out of people and ask God to direct the angels to minister to our needs.

Godly spirits commonly mentioned are spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Holy Spirit (human spirit, angels and Holy Spirit). Ungodly spirits commonly mentioned are evil spirits, demons and devils. There is actually only one Devil, Satan; demons are the correct terminology. There are millions of fallen angels and billions of demons.

"Lord Jesus Christ, we ask that you direct the angels to minister to our needs. We loose warring angels, ministering angels, the Holy Spirit and the Seven-Fold Spirit of God. We loose legions of angels including the following godly spirits."

Spirit of Wisdom, Patient in Spirit, Spirit of the Ruler, Spirit of God, Spirit of Judgement, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of Knowledge, Spirit of Christ, Right Spirit, New Spirit, Spirit of the Holy God, Holy Spirit, Poor in Spirit, Spirit of Grace, Free Spirit, Spirit of Your Father, Supplications, Broken Spirit, Strong in Spirit, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Princes, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of Life, Faithful Spirit, Spirit of Adoption, Fervent in Spirit, Good Spirit, Spirit of Meekness, Spirit of Faith, Spirit of Grace, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Eternal Spirit, Humble Spirit, Meek and Quite Spirit, Spirit of Glory, Excellent Spirit, Spirit of Man, Spirit of Prophecy, Spirit of Elijah, Contrite Spirit, Spirit of the Living, Spirit of Holiness, Spirit of Counsel, Creature, Quickening Spirit, Might,

CURSED OBJECTS - If you have a cursed object, you become cursed by God! Remove all cursed objects from your being and from your home; destroy by breaking, burning or at least throw them in the trash can. Do not keep the cursed silver or gold of the object. If the cursed object belongs to someone else and you can not throw it away, then anoint with oil and cast the demons out of it. Anoint your house with oil and cast out evil spirits from your house and possessions.


Basic Deliverance - Start with casting out families of demons that comprise basic deliverance: Rejection, Bitterness and Rebellion in that order.

Rejection, Bitterness, Rebellion, Fear of Rejection, Resentment, Self-Will, Self-Rejection, Hatred, Stubbornness, Unforgiveness, Disobedience, Violence, Anti-Submissiveness, Temper, Anger, Retaliation, Murder,

Advanced Deliverance - After basic deliverance, go on to other demonic families. The list of names of demons seems to be endless. There is a name of a demon for everything that is contrary to the Word of God. Call the demon out by his characteristic or personality. Demons will answer to their medical names, common names, symptoms or names they are given in the spiritual world.


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Tom and Donna Ministries, Clear Vision Revival